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Int 2F Fn 1223  U - DOS 3+ Internal - Check If Character Device            [D]

   AX = 1223h
   DS = DOS DS
   SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack)
   SDA+218h (DOS 3.10-3.30) = eight-character blank-padded name
   SDA+22Bh (DOS 4.0-6.0) = eight-character blank-padded name

Return: CF set if no character device by that name found
   CF clear if found
       BH = low byte of device attribute word

Note:  can only be called from within DOS

See Also: INT 21/AX=5D06h,INT 21/AX=5D0Bh

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson